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  1. I applied for a visa but I got a letter reference number 120814512257 which says I already have a card with you all ending in 4306. I have no card like this at all so not sure what is going on. Unless you issued me a card recently that I have not received. Can you look into this an e-mail me. I have 3 credit cards and none are with Chase and none ending in 4306.

  2. I called Chase and they said to contact them at 1-800-945-3000 to fix the problem.


  3. I try to check my account on line, but it keeps saying I am entering the wrong account number. I entering the number that is on my card.


  4. Dear Joan,

    Your account number may not be valid if
    a- the card has not been used in a while and is expired
    b- somebody reported the card lost or stolen and your number has been deacctivated
    c- the card number is different than the account number on the statement
    d- check the back of the card to see if it has the 4 curves, which can cause thief
    e- you are not the primary cardholder, although I assume you are

    Chase specifically says: “If Chase notices a change from your USUAL spending pattern, Chase will contact you. If they are unable to reach you, they will place a hold on your account.”

    Call 1-800-945-3000 immediately to find out if your account has been tampered with.


  5. I have applied and gotten a Slate Visa and money was transferred from another card to start it. Now I cannot find a Slate website so I can track my charges and payments.
    Please send that website address to my email. All the sites listed keep asking if I want to apply


  6. Go and click on the ENROLL NOW button. That will open a new page that will guide you through the steps of setting up online access to your credit card. You’ll need to create a user id and password. The longer the password the better – usually 12 characters or more foils most hackers. For assistance from Chase in the process call 1-800-432-3117.

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